Tuesday, June 5, 2007


QUESTION????Hey Utter i got a few question about getting hit hard, when the small or big blind call you on the flop. I noticed a couple of times today i was killed in two sng's where the BB or the small had a set;Are some other shit hand to punish my stack. Yes i like to play very aggresive and please excuse my typing skills.

There are two different ways to look at the situation of missing the flop and having the small and/or big blind in the pot. First situation is in an unraised pot, where you just called. This situation allows the one or both of the blinds to hit a random flop with any two cards and if you didn't raise pre and missed the flop, by firing a small bet at the pot, you should be able to confirm if your opponent/s hit. If the board has any suited cards or running connectors, and they call your bet, I would assume they are on a draw or hit top pair. If the turn yields another card of suit or continues a possible running straight, I would check the turn and fold to a bet, likewise on the river. Even if you hit on the turn or river in this situation, chances are they have already made their hand and you are beat. By checking the turn and river you can also control the size of the pot, thus lowering your chip exposure.

If you raise pre and are called by one or both of the blinds and miss the flop, you should fire a continuation bet to test the water. If I raised the pot pre-flop, I usually like to fire at least a2/3rds of the pot bet, if not a pot sized bet. I will fire a pot size bet if there is a flush draw on the board to take away the pot odds advantage for them to call. This will usually force them to fold if they to missed. However, if they call or raise you can assume they have a hand and proceed with the same caution I alluded to before. Unless, you have noticed the caller attempting to draw into a flush before and if this is the case, you might want to consider another aggressive raise on the turn if the flush draw misses.The important thing in both instances is controlling the size of the pot.


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